Yom Hashoah 2017

For me, giving back to the community is essential because it’s a right thing to do.

There are many ways Dmitry Gotkis Photography gives back to community via participating in different projects , but one of these projects is laying very close to my heart – it raises awareness in the community about countless atrocities of holocaust. In these turbulent times, when young men have open meetings wearing armbands with nazi swastika in countries, suffered under occupation in WWII, or were allies in fight against this monster; in times when voices raising, trying to justify or dismiss all the killings – it is most important to raise awareness of real facts, show faces and listen to the stories of survivors (while they still with us).

Here is a link for the article of this year’s Yom Hashoah, that I’ve had a privilege to photograph. I understand the publisher for posting only couple of pictures in the article and grateful to make publication at all, so for people, who might want to see more pictures of that heartbreaking, but moving event here are some more pictures.


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